
Collaborative Book


Here's what you'll get when you join our latest collaborative book

  • Your own 5,000-word story, written by you and published as a chapter in our collaborative book
  • Your book published on Amazon - available in both electronic and physical versions
  • Writing masterclass with a professional writing coach
  • Professional editing & formatting of your chapter
  • Professional book cover design
  • Social media assets to promote your book before and during book launch
  • Launch strategy call with publisher
  • A community of like-minded entrepreneurs to connect with and share your journey now and beyond

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Warning: The Collaborative Book Experience is not for everyone as you may benefit from unexpected side effects.

Side effects include but are not limited to getting addicted to sharing more of your stories in more collaborative books, healing past traumas, no longer give a $%&* about what others think, new friends and communities that love and support you, and increased business exposure and income.

Copyright Ka Ki Lee 2020 to 2024

All Rights Reserved

Copyright Ka Ki Lee 2020 to 2024 - All Rights Reserved