Journeying with Plant Medicine with Celeste Palmer

What plant medicine can offer to the user can be healing and illuminating however if not used in a safe container with the right guide can leave you confused and maybe even traumatised. I've had a fascination with plant medicine, specifically Ayahuasca since I heard of it and how the journey you experience is different for every single person and every single time.

On this episode, I chat with Celeste Palmer on:

  • Journeying with plant medicine
  • How everything in your life is always divinely orchestrated
  • What is a Shaman and what it takes to be one
  • Ayahuasca - what is it and how does it work?
  • Plus so much more!⁣

Celeste is an Intuitive Transformational Guide, Sacred Sound and Cellular Alchemist, and Curandera of Traditional Medicine of the Amazonian Region. As a Shaman of Light, Celeste is here to assist in the resurrection of the Divine Feminine Sophianic template within humanity and GrandMother Earth, Sophia Gaia. Through channelled wisdom and Sacred Sound Codes, she assists others in melting away many layers of cellular imprints of separation, fear and distortion within the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body complexes. Guided by Spirit and grounded in neuropsychology, Celeste works with the Unconscious Mind to guide a person to the root of their suffering, dis-ease and dis-harmony to better embody their Divine Truth, Sacred Sovereignty and Higher Purpose.

Want to see our faces? You can watch the interview here.

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