Why Letting Go is The Key to Starting Life on Your Own Terms with Nicolette Wijers

How much baggage, expectations, burdens, and shoulds are you carrying? Are there relationships in your life that no longer need to be part of your life? What about all the other things we carry around, sometimes as a badge of honour but really don't serve our highest in any way? Letting go is not easy especially if you are letting go of all that you have known.

On this episode, I chat with Nicolette Wijers on:

  • Why letting go is the key to starting life on your own terms
  • Doing the deep inner work to succeed in your outer work
  • Use your five senses to receive, build your awareness and presence
  • Getting clear on what your values and priorities are
  • Plus so much more!⁣

Nicolette is the Founder of Simply The Best Life, a Transformational Coach, and an Author. She is the Emotional Alchemist who assists stressed and overworked women to Awaken to their soul purpose, find their authentic selves and transform to live life to their fullest potential in love, joy and happiness.

Originally from The Netherlands, Nicolette started her career in the hospitality industry working extremely long hours, never had time to spend with her friends and family, missing out on all the fun things in life, as she worked from the bottom and all the way up just in search of her ultimate top job in luxury hotels and resorts.

Her desire to free herself from being stuck and stressed, her drive to find the Awakened Feminine within her, lead her to her “Journey without a Destination” of consistent growth, going within where she found her Soul purpose.

Now she empowers her clients to transmute emotional suffering, unhealthy patterns and habits by releasing the limited beliefs, blocks and programming that stop them from fully embracing and soul-aligned abundant life. After travelling the world with her husband, she now lives in Australia.

Want to see our faces? You can watch the interview here.

Find out more about Nicolette

Book recommendation from this episode

More about host KaKi Lee

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